The crochetitis confession

I’ve been quiet here because I have been suffering from a rather intense bout of crochetitis.

crochetitis / noun

med., psych.

a condition in which a person obsessively crochets and uses crochet as an excuse not to do anything else

The kids have been in daycare since mid September and I have only managed to send out ONE job application! This calls for an intervention! Except I am the patient and I have to be the doctor. Woe.

Allow me then to show you one of the projects in what shall go down as the year of crochet blankets.

I scored this colourful yarn at a clearance sale, and had actually intended to work on mandalas.


Which I did.


But I soon had a change of mind and decided to go to the trust granny square.


I couldn’t stop. And soon I had all 100 of them ready.


Except the work was not done even though the 100 squares had been joined together. For I had 2 yarn ends for each square, and 2 yarn ends from the 18 seams.


That’s 236 ends to darn. I have not calculated the number of ends until now. TWO HUNDRED AND THIRTY SIX. !!!

Really, the worst part of this odyssey is that I fell out of love of the blanket. But I couldn’t give it away — I had actually intended this to be a baby blanket for a girlfriend’s newborn — now that I had pumped so much time and energy into it AND was not all that proud of it.

I suppose there are some lessons to take home:

  1. Cut your losses. Sometimes you have to recognise that you made a mistake, and to let go of it despite all the time and energy you have already expended. Because staying on board means wasting even more time and energy.
  2. Don’t procrastinate. Why? Why didn’t I darn the damned ends as I was crocheting the squares? Every time I start on one of these granny square blankets I promise myself not to make the same mistake, and I just keep failing to keep to my resolution.

8 thoughts on “The crochetitis confession

  1. Erin and Sky says:

    It’s a mistake that we all make. I have a pile of unfinished projects just waiting to have the ends sewn in and sewn together. lol

    • Zoe says:

      I know! Overtime I tell myself,” OK you are going to sit down and finish those ends today” some other bag of newly purchased yarn tempts me into starting a new project…

  2. Sue says:

    You are not alone in your crochetitis! I can’t even remember all the things I have not done! I too have several things that I have yet to weave in all those ends, but I am doing much better with later projects. My last 2 blankets have all their ends woven in!

    • Zoe says:

      Well, how far ahead are you with the WIP? I am convinced now that the minute you are in doubt it’s best to just rip it up!! (hmm. I am working on a scarf right now that I am not feeling that hot about anymore. But I have reworked that scarf 5 times now.) Put up a pic on instagram and get your followers to suggest remedies?

      • birdie and the optimist says:

        actually I think maybe it is going to come together this time. I have abandoned projects before but it is hard, I had a hexagonal/ star blanket in the making but the idea just didn´t work. so much work to abandon but so much more ahead if you are not sure. I am also trying a scarf as a present in fact now i think about it I am often plagued by doubts most of the way through a project haha maybe we need to have more faith in the process! good luck with the scarf

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